There are just so many things that you should teach your children while they are still young, one of the most important ones that you can actually make them learn is to how to act when there is an emergency.
First thing you need to make sure is that your child is already capable of understanding that bad things may happen, that there are times that inevitably things happen, once you know they know what you are talking about, then you can go ahead and teach them what they need to know and do during emergency situations.
There will be times that you as their parent won’t be with them, especially when they are in school. Unfortunately, with the case of recent events happening in schools in the United States, it is very alarming to think that children are no longer safe because of the possibility of school shootings.
The only way you can make sure that your child would be able to get out of an emergency like that unharmed is to let them know what they need to know. It is also ideal for you to teach them a couple of things when natural calamities occur, which is something inevitable.
Talk To Them
The best way to do it is to explain things to them as simple as you can. Sometimes, children would understand things better if they see pictures or drawings, so you use some as a tool. Some parents even use the kids’ toys to make them listen more intently. Talking to them may not interest them as much so you must find a way for them to listen to every single thing you’ll say, if bribing them with treats is what you think would work, then do it, this is something very important anyway.
Making sure that they have understood what you’re trying to say is the goal, you can even practice at home. This is a way for you to figure out what they are going to do and if they actually listened to you.
Be Calm and Don’t Scare Them
It is a fact that children can easily be scared, which would lead them to no longer think and just cry and seek protection from you. This is one of the reasons why you as their parent, must stay calm and collected when trying to explain things to them. If you panic, they would be able to sense it and they would panic as well and you know if that happens everything you have taught them may leave their young little minds.
Fear is something that could totally eat up a child, and this would literally take over their minds and it would stop their thinking. So it is best to practice this at home and assure them that being scared would not help anyone, give them points for being brave so that they would be able to believe in themselves and not simply cry on a stressful situation.
Letting them be informed who the key people are in the community would also help. Such as what the police, firefighters, and paramedics do, as well as where they could go for help.
Using 911
Last but definitely not the least is teaching your child how to call the emergency hotline 911. This has got to be one of the best and most ideal ways for your child to do when it comes to an emergency. It is very essential for them to know how to use it and you as their parent must be the one to teach this to them since they trust you the most. Letting them know that once they call 911, help would be given but only if they provide important information.
This is where your address comes in, your child may know where you live but they may not know what number or street you are. If not at home, it is also best to teach them how to describe the place they currently. Another thing would be to make them explain what is going on in the emergency event. The National Emergency Number Association said that 911 actually covers most of the areas in the United States, but it is always best to check your local town or city if there are other convenient numbers must be used.
As their parent, it is your responsibility to let them know that it is only during emergencies or moments of extreme distress that they would call that number. It is very important to let them know that it is not a number that you should call for fun since there might be someone else calling who needs real help.